Enough About Me Book Review

Title + Author: Enough About Me by Jen Oshman

Length: 164 pages

Overview: Enough about me is a helpful book about finding lasting joy in the age of self. Spoiler alert: the only source of lasting joy is God. The book gives a history of how women got to this current state of trying to have it all and do it all. She gives a beautiful of the gospel and how being rooted in Christ is the only was to find lasting joy and contentment. Jen covers these topics in such a warm and friendly way that she draws you in. It was a quick and easy read, but it packed a lot of gospel truth!

Who should read it: This book is written in a way that a new believer could easily understand it and find a lot of application. On the flip side, it is a topic that even a long time believer needs reminded of. If you struggle with contentment, comparison, or your identity in Christ, this book is for you!

Favorite Quote: “The truth that we are dependent beings, that we were made by God and for God, is liberating. When I realize that my life is not my own, that it is by and for my very capable Maker, I no longer have to clamor to create my own success. It is not on me to make myself great. I’m in his hands. And he’s already the greatest.” 

Something I’m applying: Jen talks about how holiness requires intentionality. It was a reminder to me to make sure that I continue to develop good habits around Bible study, prayer, and Christian community. 

If you'd like to purchase Enough About Me, you can grab a copy here.

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