Well Versed Co. Blog — book review

To the Cross I Cling Book Review

book book review Faithful parenting special needs

To the Cross I Cling Book Review

Title + Author: To the Cross I Cling by Laura Wifler Length: 50 pages Overview: To the Cross I Cling is written for moms who are parenting children with special needs. It is a series of Instagram posts that the Laura wrote over the course of a few years after their daughter was diagnosed with a rare chromosomal disorder. It’s so raw and real and beautifully written. It is captivating to read through each entry and see the progression of her processing the diagnosis and working through her grief. Through it all, Laura reminds the reader of the gospel hope...

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Devoted Book Review

book book review devoted parenting prayer theology book

Devoted Book Review

Title + Author: Devoted by Tim Challies Length: 124 pages Overview: Devoted is a book about great men in Christian history and the godly mothers that shaped them. Each chapter takes a look a different man and their mother. The chapters detail how these godly mothers impacted their sons and how we can be encouraged and challenged to follow their examples. This book really snuck up on me. I didn’t expect to learn so much and be so convicted at the same time. Each story drew me in and left me in awe of what God can do with one...

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The Well-Watered Woman Book Review

book book review encouragement gift growth new believer theology book

The Well-Watered Woman Book Review

Title + Author: The Well-Watered Woman by Gretchen Saffles Length: 286 pages Overview: Rooted in truth, growing in grace, flourishing in faith. This book is an explanation for women on what it means to be connected to the deep well of the Word of God. It’s filled with scripture and encouragement to help you grow in your faith. I especially loved all the gardening imagery and metaphors since I love to garden. This book is beautiful and would make an awesome gift to a friend or woman in your family. Who should read it: I think anyone would benefit from this...

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