The Well-Watered Woman Book Review

book book review encouragement gift growth new believer theology book

Title + Author: The Well-Watered Woman by Gretchen Saffles

Length: 286 pages

Overview: Rooted in truth, growing in grace, flourishing in faith. This book is an explanation for women on what it means to be connected to the deep well of the Word of God. It’s filled with scripture and encouragement to help you grow in your faith. I especially loved all the gardening imagery and metaphors since I love to garden. This book is beautiful and would make an awesome gift to a friend or woman in your family.

Who should read it: I think anyone would benefit from this book! I especially recommend it for women who are feeling stagnant or dried up when it comes to their study of God’s word. 

Favorite Quote: “Jesus is our true and better story. The Gospel intersects with every aspect of our lives, bringing joy in the sorrow, hope in the mourning, and peace in the turmoil. Your story is an opportunity to experience the gospel, preach the gospel, and live out the gospel right where you are.” 

Something I’m applying: There are many things that will stay with me from this book…just wait until you read the section on wildflowers! But my favorite practical idea to apply from the book is the “ministry of eye contact.” This could look different for each person, but my plan is to commit to not being on my phone in public so I’m able to interact with the people around me. I was convicted thinking about how many people I miss showing the love of Christ to because I’m scrolling or texting while I’m waiting in lines, waiting rooms, etc. 

 If you're interested in reading or gifting this book, you can purchase it here.

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