Well Versed Co. Blog — Faithful

To the Cross I Cling Book Review

book book review Faithful parenting special needs

To the Cross I Cling Book Review

Title + Author: To the Cross I Cling by Laura Wifler Length: 50 pages Overview: To the Cross I Cling is written for moms who are parenting children with special needs. It is a series of Instagram posts that the Laura wrote over the course of a few years after their daughter was diagnosed with a rare chromosomal disorder. It’s so raw and real and beautifully written. It is captivating to read through each entry and see the progression of her processing the diagnosis and working through her grief. Through it all, Laura reminds the reader of the gospel hope...

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How to Remember that God is Faithful

attributes of God encouragement Faithful Faithfulness Theology

How to Remember that God is Faithful

We know that God is faithful because he shows us in his word. God makes covenants and promises and then goes on to keep and fulfill every single one. He makes a great nation from Abraham’s offspring, he delivers his people from Egypt, he blesses them with the land of Canaan, and he preserves a remnant after exile. Above all, in Jesus fulfills the promise to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 and that would send a savior. He keeps every single promise and is perfectly faithful to his children.  We also have evidence of this in our own lives....

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