Fault Lines Book Review

Title and Author: Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham
Length: 251 Pages
Overview: As we study Romans 12:2 this month, we are talking about not conforming to the patterns of the world. One of the patterns of the world that is hard to navigate right now is the Christian response to racism, antiracism, BLM and critical race theory. In Fault Lines, Baucham address this topic head on.
He covers the background of the social justice movement and how we got to our current moment. Baucham describes in detail many of the high profile racism cases in the United States over the past few years. He also breaks down the BLM movement and critical race theory. He discusses how contrary to scripture they are and explains why we should have nothing to do with them as Christians. 
Read this book if: you are looking for a trustworthy source to learn about these topics from a biblical worldview.
Favorite Quote: "The most powerful weapon in our arsenal is not calling for reparations: it is forgiveness. Antiracism knows nothing of forgiveness because it knows nothing of the Gospel. Instead, antiracism offers endless penance, judgement, and fear. What an opportunity we have to shine the light of Christ in the midst of darkness!"
If you're interested in reading it, you can purchase it at my affiliate link here

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